Day 5 – waking up early

I woke up at 5:00 am only to take care of my daughter at 5:30 am to change her diaper, let her go on the potty and play some video games. Damn video games. I’m starting to wonder if I should just annex the guys as they are not a good influence on me and they always create pitfalls that I end up falling into. Planetside 2 is extremely addictive.

It’s now 7:31 am, and all I did was play video games. I should get the little one up and ready to go. I might be painting today.

I will for sure practice pinstriping when I get home. I want to be able to do 100 lines in one sitting. Which is extremely hard.


I think I should get rid of all the coding stuff I have accumulated. Sure I have nice ideas but I have never done anything with them and they are just another ‘thing’ on my to read/practice list. All of this is taking away from my DO list.


Update it’s 12:39 PM have done 91 lines. Stop nine lines short from my one hour goal.

I have also understood how to properly clean, dry, fanout, and re-oil my brush. All of this is necessary for proper brush care. The longer you can keep using the same brush the better.




Day 3 – The bike seat

After getting into a fight about finances, shitty weather, and not wanting to be around my family… Well I resulted in doing more… lines.

Well I ended up doing a bunch of lines today. I needed to take a break and work on an old design that I thought I would never finish. The quality isn’t 100% but it is my first ‘real’ design that I did while practicing my lines.


10,000 lines and about to do and about 100 done.
